Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Hobbits Curriculum - 698 Words

Introduction Playing outdoors and the experiences children encounter are often remembered for a lifetime and through incorporating an outdoor environment with learning goals provides depth in a curriculum which could be difficult to implement with an indoor environment (The Scottish Government, 2010). The Little Hobbits curriculum is as an outdoor curriculum catering for Kindergarten age group of 4-5. Rationale The Little Hobbits Curriculum is an outdoor curriculum that allows children the opportunity to experience the outdoors first hand, allowing the children to be lifelong learners and to become healthy and confident individuals (The Scottish Government, 2010). Outdoor play has always been an important function of any curriculum mainly regarding physical play and the development of gross motor skills. The Little Hobbits Curriculum however, views the outdoor environment as the best environment for a child to develop their learning and development. The outdoor environment is not just about physical education or children just letting off steam, it is an environment that allows the children to learn from all aspects of development (Leicestershire County Council, 2011). The outdoor environment promotes a dynamic, rich and natural space for children to play and learn (Ambrose Armstrong, 2009). Outdoor play allows the children to use active play, which uses real life and imaginary situa tions and can be used through spontaneous play, teacher initiated play,Show MoreRelatedVideo Games And Its Effects On The Classroom929 Words   |  4 PagesMinecraftEdu. According to the T H E Journal’s â€Å"4 Innovative Ways To Teach With Video Games†, their use of Minecraft was intentionally used as an after school program for at-risk students. After finding success in the project, Shane Asselstine, the curriculum and technology director of Momilani Elementary School in Oahu, HI, used the same program to teach his students math and science. Students were required to create a zoo, researching biomes and calculating perimeters for the cages to hold the animalsRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society2285 Words   |  10 Pagesusing a variety of video games, ranging from concrete programs designed specifically to improve core subject skills (such as Timez Attack, DragonBox, Motion Force, and PhET simulations) to standard video games that can be manipulated to tie into a curriculum (World of Warcraft, Minecraft). In Leila Meyer’s Article â€Å"4 Innovative Ways to Teach with Video Games†, he discusses how one should incorporate virtual gaming into education and why it works. According to his research, at this point, as many asRead MoreFacilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice3273 Words   |  14 PagesIngalls Wilder lost no time in capturing my interest and showing me that simple wonders of daily life mixed with a caring, loving family can be the ingredients to happiness and fulfillment. J.R.R. Tolkien pulled me completely into his magical world of hobbits and wizards, quests and riddles, providing a pleasant escape from my teenage hormonal roller coaster ride and reminding me that, while I often felt insignificant in the big scheme of things, I had a purpose for being and I would find that purpose

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