Saturday, December 28, 2019

Great Expectations By Charles Dickens - 1278 Words

Great Expectations is a suspenseful novel that was crafted by Charles Dickens. It encompasses an orphaned-low class boy, Pip, and his journey to adulthood. His childhood surrounds his aspirations to one day be a gentlemen. Throughout the novel, Pip encounters several events and faces a variety of people who all shape the person he is. Teeter-tottering between expectations vs reality, right vs wrong, and revenge vs reward, Great Expectations amplifies the struggles that an orphaned boy encountered on his way to love and success. In the novel, Pip befriends Miss Havisham. She is a lonesome, jilted bride who plays a dramatic role in Pip’s life, that is, she initiated his hopes of becoming a gentlemen. Throughout Great Expectations, it is†¦show more content†¦Some of the windows had been walled up; of those that remained, all the lower were rustily barred† (Dickens 55). This justifies that Miss Havisham willingly secludes herself from others. She confines herself i n her mansion because she believes if she does, she will not be hurt again. Another Neurotic Need that Miss Havisham displays in the uncontrollable desire to control others, specifically Estella. That girl (Estella) is hard and haughty and capricious to the last degree, and has been brought up by Miss Havisham to wreak revenge on all the male sex.† (Dickens 186). With this quote said by Herbert, he is amplifying the hatred that Miss Havisham has for men. She is so damaged and heart-broken because of what a man had done to her, so she seeks revenge. She manipulates and controls Estella to torture and hurt other men. Considering the previous, it is reasonable to suggest that Miss Havisham potentially suffers from Neurosis. It is also a possibility that Miss Havisham is affected by Emotional Deprivation Disorder. This is a disorder in which an individual exhibits severe anxiety and low self-esteem due to the lack of emotional support and strength from a spouse. â€Å"Emotional Deprivation Disorder† For the duration of the story, Miss Havisham displays inferiority by unconsciously believing that she will never have another lover again. To support her mental stupor, Miss Havisham has difficulty opening up to people and letting them in. She constantly doubtsShow MoreRelatedGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1113 Words   |  5 Pagesadventures that the male characters go on. This seems to be relevant in a lot of movies and books like the story Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. In Great Expectations there are multiple female characters like Estella, Biddy, and Miss Havisham who all play a large part in the main character, Pip’s life. One of the first that we meet the character Estella in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations is when Pip goes to Miss Havisham’s to play with her. The two kids play the game beggar my neighbor when EstellaRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1347 Words   |  6 Pagespoor status of the economy, social mobility does not seem to be occurring at high rates, with the poor getting poorer and rich getting richer. Despite this, social mobility is alive and well, and has been for centuries. In his novel, Great Expectations, Charles Dickens voices the concerns of many that lived in Victorian England during the 19th century by promoting such a desire to live life in a more prosperous social class. One of the most fundamental and reoccurring themes in the novel is that ofRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1426 Words   |  6 Pages Twelve-year-old Charles dickens gets ready for bed after a long day at the blacking house. These Victorian-aged memories will provide him with many ideas for his highly acclaimed novel Great Expectations. Set in 1830 England, Great Expectations is a coming-of-age story about a common innocent boy named Pip and his road to becoming a gentleman through the influence of others. Pip is influenced both positively and negatively by Estella, Herbert, and Magwitch. Estella left a huge impression on PipRead MoreGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens984 Words   |  4 PagesCharles Dickens utilizes his life for inspiration for the protagonist Pip in his novel Great Expectations. They both struggle with their social standing. Dickens loved plays and theatre and therefore incorporated them into Pip’s life. Dickens died happy in the middle class and Pip died happy in the middle class. The connection Dickens makes with his life to Pip’s life is undeniable. If readers understand Dickens and his upbringing then readers can understand how and why he created Pip’s upbringingRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations943 Words   |  4 Pages This is true in many cases but none as much as in Great Expectations. In many ways the narrator/protagonist Pip is Charles Dickens in body and mind. While there are many differences between the story and Charles Dickens life there remains one constant. This constant is the way Pip as the narra tor feels, because these feelings are Dickens s own feelings about the life he lead. Since Great Expectations was written towards end of Charles Dickens life, he was wiser and able to make out the mistakesRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1375 Words   |  6 PagesGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens and The Talented Mr Ripley by Anthony Minghella present similar criticisms of society to a large extent. Both of these texts consider the criticisms of rich social contexts (wealth and status), societal morality (whether a society is good or not. Status [can lead to the wrong people being in a high position i.e. making bad decisions affecting the community/society] Appearance [society appears to be moral/good (if you’re from a higher status) {dickens criticisesRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations1223 Words   |  5 PagesBeloved author Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. Growing up in a life of poverty, his childhood hardshi ps provided the inspiration to write a myriad of classic novels including his 1861 seminole masterpiece, Great Expectations (â€Å"BBC History - Charles Dickens†). Great Expectations follows the life of an orphan named Pip, who’s perspective of the world is altered when he is attacked by an escaped convict in his parents’ graveyard in the town of Kent. Throughout hisRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens924 Words   |  4 Pagesa character driven novel, or a mix of the two. In order for a novel to be character driven, it must revolve more around the characters’ individual thoughts, feelings, and inner struggles, rather than around the quest of the story. Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens, is a character driven novel. While the story does have a plot, it is not contingent upon that plot, but rather is reliant upon its characters and their natures. This is evident from the beginning of the novel. From the opening ofRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations1669 Words   |  7 PagesCharles Dickens He was one of England s greatest authors of the 1800 s, better known as the Victorian era. The various themes and ideas of that time are perfectly showcased in his many novels and short stories, such as Nicholas Nickelby, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, and A Christmas Carol. Much of the inspiration for these works came from the trials and conflicts that he dealt with in his own life. His volumes of fictional writing show the greatRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations1017 Words   |  5 Pagesexperiencer is somewhere else absorbing knowledge of a different setting.This abstract adventure is seized by author Charles Dickens in Great Expectations. Great Expectations is historical fiction giving readers comprehension of the Victorian Era.Upon the reading, readers begin to catch on the intended purpose and its significance. A person who lived during the Victorian Era was Charles Dickens himself.He grew up during a time where differences in social class were to an extreme degree.Dickens went through

Friday, December 20, 2019

Diabetic Nephropathy The Leading Cause Of Chronic Kidney...

Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the leading causes of chronic kidney diseases worldwide and most of the affected patients have T2DM. A considerable number of patients newly diagnosed with T2DM may already have developed nephropathy due to a preceding period of undiagnosed diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance [11]. According to the classification of American Diabetes Association, DN is divided into three stages, incipient nephropathy (micro-albuminuria), clinical diabetic nephropathy (macro-albuminuria) and ESRD. To diagnose those DN patients in its early stage can effectively prevent or delay the progression to ESRD [12]. Renal biopsy is a useful way to diagnose DN but is an invasive method so we are in need to simple, accurate and non-invasive test for early diagnosis and/or monitoring DN progression [13]. Several mechanisms, including hyperglycemia, advanced glycation end products (AGEs), oxidative stress, and inflammation are the main contributors to DN pathogenesis through activation of nuclear factor ÃŽ ºB (NF-ÃŽ ºB) signaling which is the key regulator of inflammation and apoptosis [14]. TLRs have been implicated in diabetes-induced inflammation and vascular complications. TLRs recognize various damage-associated molecular patterns such as heat-shock proteins, fatty acids, ox-LDLs and AGEs. Activation of the immuno-inflammatory reactions through TLR4 was supposed to play a role in the pathogenesis of DN [15]. This current study revealed up-regulation of TLR4 inShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Major Micro Vascular Complication Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus1685 Words   |  7 PagesBackground: Diabetic nephropathy is the major micro-vascular complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and is the main cause for end-stage kidney disease. In view of metabolic derangements of T2DM, we went further to investigate the role played by oxidized low density lipoprotein (ox-LDL), toll like receptor 4 (TLR4), lipocalin-2 (LCN2), and omentin-1 in DN. Patients and methods: 15 normo-albuminuria T2DM, 15 micro-albuminuria T2DM and 15 macro-albuminuria T2DM in addition to 15 heal thy volunteerRead MoreClinical And Metabolic Characteristics Of The Studied Groups1574 Words   |  7 Pagesdifference in age, body mass index between the studied groups. Meanwhile, there were statistically significant increase in disease duration; TG, TC, FBG levels and HbA1C percentage in diabetic cases when compared to their allied control group with higher values were for macro-albuminuria T2DM group. LDL-C and HDL-C levels showed statistically significant difference in diabetic cases when compared to their allied control group but with no difference between micro and macro albuminuria T2DM groups.Read MoreDiabetes Mellitus : A Serious Chronic Metabolic Disorder Associated With High Blood Sugar2086 Words   |  9 Pages Diabetes Mellitus MED 2056 Michela Leytham 12/7/2014 FT029 Jessica Ferreira Diabetes Mellitus is a serious chronic metabolic disorder associated with high blood sugar that affects the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients and use them as fuel. Normally the body uses carbohydrates and sugars that are eaten and breaks them down into a usable sugar in the body called glucose. Glucose has the ability to fuelRead MoreThe Health Problem Surrounding Type 1 Diabetes2334 Words   |  10 PagesSearch Strategy A thorough research of the existing literature regarding Type 1 Diabetes was conducted. The search engines used were: EBSCO Host, ProQuest, Canada Context and CINAHL. The key words used were: epidemiology, Type 1 diabetes, causes for Type 1 Diabetes, Juvenile Diabetes, risk factors, treatment and susceptibility. This search produced over 1000 articles pertaining to this specific health issue. Of these, 200 were peer-reviewed. Of the 200 peer-reviewed, 123 were conducted in

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Caterina Coluccia Essay Example For Students

Caterina Coluccia Essay Dear Father, I am aware that you are not in this world anymore. I will try, with the hope that you will perceive my words and emotions sooner or later. It has been a long time since the last time I saw you. You are only a blurred image in my desolate and lonely memories. I have been suffering very much, but as people always told me, suffering makes your heart stronger and capable of greater endurance and perseverance. I got accustomed to letting bad memories and negative events flow without harming me. Father, if only you knew how much I longed for your guiding paternal hand and manly figure to raise me and hold my hand through the long journey called growth. With the passing of time, I learned to appear untroubled and delighted. I began to realise that if I wanted a jubilant life I should have laboured for it. I did. I have felt used and mistreated by many people indeed, and example could be the way in which Mr Rochester tricked me. I have no vague idea of the reasoning behind this lie, but what I do know is that there is no need of causing unnecessary discomfort and pain. Roughly one month ago, I imagine it was during the month of March, according to he Gregorian calendar, I met the man whom I considered to be the most special presence in my life, although he hurt me very much. His name is Edward Rochester, he is a man of very little words, who doesnt embrace the use of language as a way of communicating, but indeed prefers the interchange of looks. I met Edward at Thornfield Hall. He is my master. At first he did not even look into my direction, I thought he was not aware of my existence. I felt ignored and abandoned, generally my relationships with everybody were tightly related to work. I had nobody with whom I could share my feelings and emotions. After months slipped away, without ever receiving even a simple glance from Mr Rochester, that became even more austere than he was when I had first met him, we began to share smiles and glances. Every time I accidentally met Edward in the long and dark corridors of Thornfield Hall, I felt guilty of being outside my designated wing of the house. When this happened, Mrs. Fairfax usually reproached me, for having forgotten to remain in my lonely region. I could not tolerate this terrible undeserved treatment. I was being treated as a piece of cloth, without feelings or emotions. I had to bring this to an end. I decided to go personally to Mr. Rochester, and demand more respect since I was dedicating myself entirely to the education of his daughter. After I approached him, he appeared petrified, disturbed and awakened. He remained silent for an indefinable amount of time and then pronounced a simple, monosyllable. Leave. After this episode occurred, I never dared to approach him anymore. Then, an extraordinary event happened. He approached me declaring his immense love for me, Jane Eyre. Ours became a strong friendship; I took a long while to discover this feeling, since I had never experienced it. Time went by, and what I considered friendship and what he considered love, turned into me feeling deeply affectionate to him, and eventually I felt love. We shared intimacy, endearment, devotion and even adoration. It was the first time I had ever felt loved and cared for. I worshipped Edward Rochester. Now, every time I see him, my heart skips a beat, and I truly know that he has been the right person to fill and take a steady place in my heart. But I do not feel the same way at present. He has torn and ripped my heart into millions of tiny little parts. I didnt deserve such a lie. 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Christianity started a long time ago EssayI discovered through Mr. Mason, that Edward was already married. The complication arose when I discovered it, which was the day of our wedding. Although I now refuse to give him another chance, because I feel used and manoeuvred as if I were a woollen doll, I still indeed love him. Edward, a superior, elegant and charming person desires to remain with me, a simple plebeian, until death, I do not wish to remain with a person whom has had the courage of hiding his former wife, Bertha Mason, from myself. Not only hiding her from me, but being able to hide her from my in the house I am living in and working in. I am disgusted, repelled and nauseated from Edward. He knew I loved him, and desired him. I have been composing pieces of poetry in the past years. I have had to release my feelings in a way, and I have found poetry. Edward. The moment I met you something changed. You are my master and I am your slave, I need your directions to survive. You have saved me from loneliness, But stabbed my heart. When I will be older I will remember, How you let my weak heart bleed. Father. I indeed hope not to have nauseated your soul with my obsessive focus on the man I have loved, love, and will love. I am sure you understand my present situation and feeling. You should be able to understand my state. I am in unexplored land. Every move I make and every direction in which I go, takes me somewhere where I have never been. Father, I am fearful. Even if I know you are not in this world, I hope you will in some way feel that I have searched you, in someway. I have grown up alone, and I must be able to overcome a feeling such as love. It cannot be so complex. At least, I imagine it is not minimally comparable to things I have overcome, this will be hopefully simpler. I pray that my life will someday smile to me, and become as beautiful, clear, fine and cloudless as a June morning. I pray that my life will someday become like a blooming rose. I pray that my life will become joyful and filled with the true sentiment of love. Father. Although I do not have vivid memories of your presence in my existence, I send you my love and my most sincere wishes to accomplish the life that you have desired.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

English As First Language Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the English As First Language. Answer: Introduction Question and answer is the method I selected for teaching in the classroom. I pose some questions to the student, and students are expected to answer the question ("Methods of Teaching in the Classroom |," 2017). This technique requires students reflection hence involve evaluation and new information synthesis.As it has been illustrated in the video, I will go through the previous lessons and asks the students some questions based on the previously learned lesson. The question and answer technique try to explain that the students and then I do have common knowledge of the subject under discussion. This technique comprises of three different approaches: The First approach, the students can question the teacher. I need to have vast knowledge to answer the questions appropriately. I might not have all the answers, but part of being a teacher is being prepared to deal with the unexpected questions. The second approach is whereby the I poses the questions to the student ("Me thods of Teaching in the Classroom |," 2017).As it is illustrated in the video, I posted a question to the students asking them to write common illnesses on the board. The students were also to have a look at the pictures on the activity sheet and explain the problem that each person encountered. This activity was targeted to enable students to think critically and come up with the necessary judgment. Lastly, this technique approach aims at encouraging students to have a different thought, and it also stimulates thinking. In this method, then I pose a challenge to the student to synthesize new knowledge based on prior experience. Giving Methodology I selected PPP(presentation, practice, and production) which is an outdated model for use in the teaching for institute of language lessons, in the course book and classroom("Teaching approaches: task-based learning", 2017). This model provides me with a platform whereby I can present items for individual language: then the students practice it through a written task and spoken word. As illustrated in the video I narrate a story to the students and ask them questions. I expect the students to write answers to the questions on the board on what they can remember. I selected PPP methodology because it offers many advantages. First, it reflects how many people expect to learn a new language. Secondly, PPP is best suited for teaching English as second language, since it is easier for students to grasp the knowledge(Introduction to PPP(3Ps)methodology for TEFL(with Videos),2017 Teacher talk Teacher talk in English as second language classroom was well-thought-out to a challenging area for English tutors. To overcome this challenge; I did little discussion in class and gave an opportunity to the students to do a lot of talking. It was perceived that too much talk by the teacher did not provide the students with the chance to speak. Useful tutor talk should be judged based on the ability of its efficiency in facilitating classroom interaction and communication promotion.My speech in the classroom was communicative because it promoted good classroom interaction. My talk in class was comprised of, adjustment in my vocabulary that I use while talking to the students, my reaction when a student makes an error while answering a question. Implementation Designing and implementing student learning environment was more comfortable, once I was familiar with the student, and their ability to communicate with one another ("Lesson Design amp; Implementation," 2017). A good design lesson begins with I reflecting on the previously taught experience to bring familiarity of what I was going to teach about, through group discussions. Often I pose during the lesson to ask straightforward questions to see whether the students understand. On the other hand, then I might give out an activity to the student for them to handle. There is a variety of ways of implementing a multimedia in tutoring English listening skills, such as using multimedia interactive learning materials. This can motivate students because the listen, view text and watch the video. At such moments the learning consists of listening skills which are subdivided into audio and text then an exercise. Although at some moments I do assume that students are keenly attentive through lis tening, that might not be the case. The students can also be allowed to do a question and answer task between them. This activity will boost the morale of the students and eagerness to learn more of English. According to Hofstetter(2001), multimedia are efficient for computers to combine text and create audio which enables the user to communicate, Crete and interact. The use of multimedia materials gives the students an opportunity to achieve projected skills. Interactive multimedia can make a learning experience more exciting and motivate students to learn (Rusmanto,2012). There are various ways of improving lesson design and implementation: First, I might decide to use students knowledge from the previous lesson. This might be achieved by starting the class with a review of previous class by asking students to discuss the past reading. Encourage students to reflect on personal experience through asking them to interpret diagrams that incorporate the previous work. Secondly, giving the students a sense of belonging to the learning community that creates ideas and explores content that determines the direction in which the lesson will take ("Lesson Design amp; Implementation," 2017). Classroom management Classroom management is the most crucial part of being a tutor ("Classroom Management Strategies for ESL Teachers," 2017).Classroom management is how I organize the student learning through being in control of everything that happens in class.I used different approaches during the lesson: I chose to teach the class as a whole and later pair them into groups.Learning as a whole has the following advantages: First, I have all the students attention. Secondly, it creates a sense of belonging whereby the students all have a common goal. Thirdly it helps in building a good rapport with the students, through knowledge sharing and humor. Lastly, this kind of teaching favors the introvert students. On the other hand, pair group learning has its merits: First, through group work, the students increase their opportunity to learning a new language. Secondly, group work motivates learners since every member of the group is expected to contribute to the studies. Lastly, group work brings a lot o f improvement to student talk quality. Whiteboards is usually a white surface for non-permanent markings. It is a smoother surface which allows rapid marking and erasing of the marking on the surface ("Whiteboard", 2017).While using the whiteboard, some guidelines should be observed: I must ensure writing is large enough to be readable by all students. Different colors should be used, but I must be careful while choosing. I should ensure that I clean during lessons and before leaving the room. Conclusion While conducting a learning process for the student, learning English as a second language, and using the question and answer technique, I had the following consideration: First, I should be very attentive in the classroom. I had to make the lesson more interactive with the students .through this interaction; I recognized the areas where the students were facing challenges and addressed them. Students motivation to learn a second language will depend on the way I present ideas in class. Secondly, there is need to ensure that learners hear and see the second language easily. In cases whereby I used whiteboard during the lesson, I ensured that the points are well organized .during instances that I used images during teaching, I ensured that the images are clear and not ambiguous. Lastly, I gave students many opportunities to speak during class time and corrected fundamental mistakes done by the student. This technique for teaching made the lessons so successful, and lessons objectives were achieved. I will use this method over and over again in the coming lessons. References Classroom Management Strategies for ESL Teachers. (2017). Go Overseas. Retrieved 11 November 2017, from Introduction to PPP (3Ps) methodology for TEFL (with Videos). (2017). Retrieved 11 November 2017, from Lesson Design amp; Implementation. (2017). Classroom Observation Project. Retrieved 11 November 2017, from Methods of Teaching in the Classroom | (2017). Retrieved 11 November 2017, from Progress, Plans Problems (PPP) methodology - Weekdone. (2017). Weekdone. Retrieved 11 November 2017, from Rusmanto. (2012). Media pembelajaran multimedia. Retrieved from ajaran-multimedia-interaktif-yang-baik Teaching approaches: task-based learning. (2017). Onestopenglish. Retrieved 11 November 2017, from Whiteboard. (2017). Retrieved 11 November 2017, from Why Talk Is Important in Classrooms. (2017). Retrieved 11 November 2017, from